
The competitive tendering of procurements of the city and its enterprises are centralised to The City of Rauma Procurement Servicese, which also provides advice and guidance on procurement-related issues if necessary. We attach great importance to dialogue with businesses and have set up a Procurement Forum with business organisations to promote this. The City of Rauma is involved in the Hinku project (carbon neutral municipality) and the Cleantech project. In procurement, we focus on environmentally friendly and energy-efficient products.
Open Calls for Tender
The City of Rauma announces ongoing tenders and tenderers can submit their tenders electronically.
Valid calls for tenders can be viewed without a login in the ‘Publications’ section. Without IDs, you can see the call title, the call description and the deadline for submission of tenders.
When you register, you can upload the invitation to tender and related documents, ask questions about the invitation to tender, read the answers to the questions and submit your tender electronically. Registration is free of charge and you will receive a user ID immediately upon registration.

Upcoming tenders
On the upcoming tenders page, you can find information on the procurement contracts that are in preparation and those that may be in preparation. Timetables are preliminary and subject to change.