Ilmakuva Susivuoren yritysalue.

Susivuori business area

The Susivuori business are is the newest business park in Rauma. The City of Rauma rents and reserves industrial and commercial plots in the area. The building conditions are mainly excellent (rocky soil) and plots are available in a wide range of sizes and from prime locations in terms of visibility and transport.

In the areas south of the northern perimeter (along the Teodoliittitie and Statiivitie), the municipal services are in place and plots are available.

Plots on the north side of the northern perimeter in blocks 1722 – 1724 (Olkitie, Ihamaantie and Impivaarantie) are available for advance reservation and handover after completion of the municipal infrastructure, estimated to take place between 2024 and 2025.

Contact us

  • Asikainen Ari-Pekka

  • Kotiranta Mirja
