Satakunta Entrepreneurs organise generation and ownership transfer services in Satakunta in cooperation with the municipalities and development companies in the region.

The generation and change of ownership advice includes advice on planning the sale and purchase of a business, preparing for a generation change and shutting down a business. The service is free of charge and is aimed at entrepreneurs who will be looking for a successor within five years, those interested in buying a business and those interested in starting a business.

The service takes stock of the situation of the business, explains the basic rules of taxation and valuation, among other things, and refers the client to a specialist to assist with the follow-up. Guidance on how to prepare a notification of sale of the company to the Satakunta Business Exchange.

The service does not include a detailed ownership or generation change plan, valuation, drafting of deeds of sale, or acting as an agent in commercial or other negotiations.

More information

Business Transfer Forum

The National Forum for Business Ownership Transfers in Finland works to facilitate and accelerate business takeovers and generational changes in family businesses.

Satakunnan Yrittäjät

Jarkko Koskinen
Satakunnan Yrittäjät
​hankinta- ja omistajanvaihdosneuvoja
puh. 040 070 9622