Business Mentor -palvelun logo

A Business mentor is there for you

The Finnish Business Mentor Association is a nationwide network of experienced entrepreneurs, business leaders and business experts. The network’s members offer their expertise and experience free of charge to solve the business challenges of entrepreneur-driven micro and small enterprises operating in Finland.

The business community can help you to identify the opportunities for your business and its environment.

Business mentor will

  • Will act as your sparring partner and discussion partner.
  • Together with your business partner, you will analyse your business options and set development goals.
  • The business mentor will also support you in considering how to achieve your objectives, in implementing your action plans and in monitoring the results achieved.
  • He or she will support you in your decision-making. However, you make the decisions and are responsible for their implementation. Your business mentor will walk alongside you, asking questions and offering support and encouragement to find answers.



Suomen Yrityskummit

Yhteyskummi Rauma
Sari Pettersson, puh. 044 491 5674