Business Development

Are you thinking about product development, investment, financing, internationalisation? Contact the City of Rauma Business Services, we will find information and help if needed.

The City of Rauma provides advisory and development services for operating businesses. The services for entrepreneurs and businesses in Rauma are provided by the city itself and in cooperation with partners.

The business services offer free advice on business matters such as:

  • identifying business development, marketing and customer acquisition
  • investment and financial planning, human resources and networking
  • research and product development
  • location, premises and land

Here we can help

Useful links

New knowledge and skills for business with the innovation voucher
Centre for Technology Research VTT

Teknologian tutkimuskeskus VTT Oy on moniteknologinen Pohjois-Euroopan johtava soveltavaa tutkimusta tekevä tutkimuskeskus. VTT tuottaa teknologia- ja tutkimuspalveluja sekä kotimaisille että kansainvälisille yrityksille ja julkiselle sektorille. Teknologian tutkimuskeskukseen voi tutustua tarkemmin sivuilla

VTT:n yhteyshenkilö: Sini Rytky, Solution Sales Lead, Cognitive Production Industry puh. +358 503876670,

Business services from universities and universities of applied sciences

Universities and polytechnics offer a range of tailored and pre-packaged education and research services. Contact Business Services if you are looking for the right partner within the higher education community for a specific need, exploring cooperation opportunities in general, looking for the most appropriate form of cooperation for your own resources, or if you cannot find the right service address or contact person elsewhere.

University business services

Internship and job advertisements

Internships and commissioned theses strengthen students’ working life skills. By hiring an intern or a thesis student, you can raise your company’s profile among students and recruit qualified and motivated employees.

Examples of placement services


  • Nurmi Heikki