Promoting well-being, health and safety

In accordance with the Rauma City Strategy 2030, our goal is well-being, active and participating municipal residents and to increase the retention of the city of Rauma. In particular, the focus has been placed on the overall well-being of children and young people together with families and other actors.

The strategy includes eight of its concrete programmes, one of which is the well-being programme. It is used to guide, coordinate and develop work to promote the well-being, health and safety (HYTETU) of Rauma residents.

The well-being programme forms a joint service concept with the city and its various interfaces to promote the well-being of the residents, taking into account the strategy priorities.

The Well-being Programme 2030

The well-being programme is a tool for promoting well-being and strategic management, and its task is also to promote the city’s knowledge-based management in a more welfare-efficient direction.

Rauma City Council approved the Welfare Programme at its meeting on 24 April 2023.

Contact information

  • Kuusio Kristiina

Substance Abuse Prevention

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