Summer job voucher
In 2025, summer job vouchers will be granted to young people born between 2004 and 2009.

Additional information
In 2025, summer job vouchers will be granted to young people born between 2004 and 2009 who are residents of Rauma or originally from Rauma. Also in 2025, international students born between 2000 and 2009 will also be eligible to apply for summer job subsidies (summer job voucher and The Summer Entrepreneurs 2025 campaign).
Information about The Summer Entrepreneurs 2025 campaign: Rauma’s summer entrepreneurship subsidy 2025
The reservation period for 2025 summer job vouchers starts on 3 February 2025. The first summer job vouchers will become effective on 6 February 2025, when all those who have applied for a summer job voucher will receive a confirmation email of their reservation or placement on the waiting list. From 6 February onwards, reservations or possible places on the waiting list will be confirmed once a week.
One voucher will be issued per person, and the value of one voucher is 480 euros. The summer job subsidy is paid to the employer to help with wage costs.
Please note that you cannot receive support from the City of Rauma’s Summer Entrepreneur Programme concurrently with the summer job voucher.
Applying for a summer job voucher
The summer job voucher can be reserved by filling in an online application form.
Application Form: (LINK)
The application period will run until all the vouchers have been issued, but until 31 May 2025 at the latest. The vouchers are issued on a first-come, first-served basis. The first summer job vouchers will become effective on 5 February 2025, when all those who have applied for a summer job voucher will receive an email confirmation of their reservation or placement on the waiting list.
You must have a valid personal email address in order to make a voucher reservation. For example, please do not use your parents’ email. The vouchers are issued on a first-come, first-served basis within the limits of the available budget. Once your reservation has been processed, you will be notified by email. If there are more applicants than summer job vouchers, a waiting list will be created. Those on the waiting list will also be notified by email.
Once your reservation has been processed, you will be notified by email that your application has been processed. You will then probably receive a message the next day or the day after you apply, telling you whether a voucher is reserved for you or whether you are on the waiting list. Reservations or waiting list places are confirmed twice a week; on Mondays and Wednesdays.
A voucher reservation is valid for three (3) weeks at a time. If you do not find a summer job within the three-week reservation period, your reservation will be cancelled. If your reservation is cancelled, you will be moved to the waiting list. The waiting list also includes people who did not receive a summer job voucher. The waiting list is rotating.