Registry office

The City of Rauma Registry office at the City Hall receives incoming documents, enters them into the records management system and forwards them for processing. The Registry office maintains the records management system that includes all administrative decision-making actions of the City of Rauma.

You can contact the Registry office to find out the status of pending matters as well as cases that have already been concluded.

The Registry office maintains the official notice board of the City of Rauma, located in the main lobby of the City Hall, Kanalinranta 3, 26100 Rauma.

Telephone number

records management specialist
+358 401729529

Service hours

Monday-Friday 9:00-15:30

Other contact details

Further Information About the Registry Office:

  • Kupiainen Kristiina

Document and information service

Rauma City Archives is the central archive of the city. The central archive is responsible for storing documents that are legally required to be kept permanently or for a long period of time by the various operational units. The City’s central archive also holds documents from the Rauma rural municipality, Kodisjoki and the municipality of Lappi, which have been transferred as a result of the mergers of municipalities.

The publicity and use of documents is restricted by the provisions of the Publicity Act, the Data Protection Act and special laws. The use of documents is subject to the guidelines on the handling of general documents. Documents are not loaned outside the archives.

The Registry is the place to ask about the status of pending cases and the progress of your own case. In addition, requests for documents may be made to the Registry.

The records and information service is also available directly from the divisions, departments and business units.

Do the following

If your request concerns archived information, you can send your request directly to the City Archives.

If, on the other hand, your request concerns a more recent, pending matter, you should send it to the Registry Office.

Background information

As a rule, all official activities and their documentation are public. This means that all official documents are public unless otherwise provided in the law. If a document is kept secret, the authority concerned must justify its decision not to make the document public. Moreover, every individual has mainly the right to access documents pertaining to themselves even if they were ordered to be kept secret by law.

The authorities must organise the documents administration so that citizens have easy access to the documents and the information contained in them. As part of the documents and information service, the documents administration keeps documents available to the public and assists in the use of the archives.

More information

Legal information

City Archives

The information service of the City Archives operates in the City Hall and during its opening hours. Visits to the archives must always be agreed in advance.

To retrieve information from the archive, you must submit a request for information.

Instructions on how to make a request for information can be found in the City of Rauma’s Description of public access to documents:

Other questions about archives and archiving:

  • Hemminki Jaana