Strong identification
E-identification is used in forms in which the identity of the user must be verified. Once you have identified yourself, the use of e-service is secure and private.
Afternoon Activities
Application for afternoon activities for school children (strong identification)
Application for a fee reduction or exemption (strong identification)
Resignation notice for afternoon activities
Participation days (pdf)
Initial information form (pdf)
Basic Education
Enrolment form for basic education
Notification of moving to home schooling (strong identification)
Rauma Adult Education Centre
Report of inappropriate treatment (strong identification)
Study voucher application for unemployed (strong identification)
Rauma Regional Waste Management Facility
Application for exception to waste fees (strong identification)
Basic definition of the landfill eligibility
Composting notification (strong identification)
Longer emptying interval (mixed waste) (strong identification)
New collection (plastic packaging, mixed waste, biowaste) (strong identification)