Financial and Debt Counselling

Financial Counselling

Financial Counselling is available without an appointment at the Kela office at Nortamonkatu 24. Autumn service hours will be announced later.

You can talk to a financial and debt counsellor, an enforcement specialist and a Kela employee. The service is anonymous and free of charge.

Rauma Legal Aid Office

The Rauma Legal Aid Office’s financial and debt counselling service is available by telephone from Monday to Friday from 9-12 and 13-15.

The financial and debt counsellor’s phone helpline is open from Monday to Friday from 9-10.

Tel. +358 29 566 0429

Don’t Worry About Your Money Concerns Alone

Financial and debt advisers can help you when you are worried about your finances. You can get advice on all kinds of everyday finances, such as planning your spending and sticking to a budget. If you’re worried about something in your own or a loved one’s finances, it’s a good idea to ask for help straight away.

You can contact the Financial and Debt Counselling Service even if you have little or no debt. Financial and debt advice can also help you with your debt situation. The financial and debt counsellor can, among other things

  • discuss your financial situation with you
  • help you weigh up different options and draw up payment agreements.

The financial and debt counsellor can also advise you on applying for an arrangement loan and debt settlement.

Financial and debt counselling at legal aid offices is free of charge and provided by the state. The advice is given by financial and debt counsellors and assisted by legal aid secretaries. The advice is confidential and the staff are bound by an obligation of confidentiality.