Electronic Services
HelleWi service allows students to enrol in Adult Education courses.
Timmi Booking System
Timmi Booking system allows you to check the booking status of facilities and make reservations.
Kulutus-Web service allows consumers to enter their water consumption figures electronically directly into Rauma Water customer information system.
Minilex is a legal service that improves legal certainty and access to justice for citizens and businesses.
Minilex provides free and affordable legal services easily and quickly online.
Wilma is the web interface to the school’s administration software. Students use Wilma to select courses, track their performance, read newsletters and communicate with teachers.
Satakirjastot is a shared system of libraries.
Technical Services
In the Technical Service, you can apply for, among other things, permits for the siting and excavation of public areas, certain electronic permits for construction and the rental of boat moorings.
Early Childhood Education
In the Early Childhood Education E-Services, you can submit an application for early childhood education and an application for a service allowance for private day care.
Web Store
The City of Rauma’s online shop offers Rauma-themed textiles, gym cards and snack passes for schoolchildren, among other things. You can also register for excursions organised by the city via the online shop.
Suomi.fi Messages
Suomi.fi Messages is a secure way to communicate with public administration and other organisations using the service. The City of Rauma uses the Suomi.fi messaging service, which allows you to send a message to, for example, the city’s registry office or the information service of the city archive.
If you wish to send a request for information under the Publicity Act or a request for inspection of register data under the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation, it is advisable to do so securely via the Suomi.fi messaging service.