Participatory Budgeting Mnuu Huki

In 2024, the City of Rauma will implement participatory budgeting for the fourth time. In February, citizens had the opportunity to come up with ideas on which important items or issues should be improved with the €50 000 Mnuu huki funding.
Voting Phase Has Ended
The voting phase of the participatory budgeting has ended.
Voting took place from 2 to 14 April, with a total of 1882 valid electronic or paper votes received.
With 354 votes, the vote was won by the acquisition of a diving platform in Bergström’s pond, also known as Pärskä. The cost of the project is estimated at 25 000 €.
The second highest number of votes was for the construction of workout stairs in Pyytjärvi, but the cost estimate of 40 000 € means that it cannot be included in the participatory budgeting budget together with the diving platform. However, the workout stairs will be built through other means.
Instead, the next most voted items, which fit within the remaining budget of €25 000, will be implemented. 100 new geocaches have be added in Reksaari and Nurmes (€3,000), outdoor fitness equipment will be installed at the end of the fitness track of the Unaja Sports Club building (€16,000) and the Nasulampi campfire site will be improved with tables and benches (€6,000).
The planning of these projects have started immediately, as they must be completed by the end of 2024.

Rauma’s participatory budgeting proposals for 2024
Rauma’s participatory budgeting proposals for 2024 with justification (in Finnish).
Proposals Voted On
- Diving platform at Bergström’s pond, also known as Pärskä, estimated cost 25 000 €. 354 votes
- Workout stairs for the Pyytjärvi area, estimated cost 40 000 €. 331 votes
- 100 new geocaches in Reksaari and Nurmes, estimated cost 3 000 €. 212 votes
- Outdoor exercise equipment at the end of the fitness track of the Unajan Sports Club building, estimated cost 16 000 €. 176 votes
- Improvements to the campfire site at Nasulampi with tables and benches, estimated cost 6 000 €. 170 votes
- Outdoor fitness area in Sampaanala, estimated cost 10 000 €. 152 votes
- An open-air event in Kodisjoki, open to all and free of charge, with sports and cultural activities for children, estimated cost 5 000 €. 99 votes
- Day festival for special needs groups, estimated cost 2 000 €. 85 votes
- Nature education for children, bird boxes and a winter feeding place for birds, for example near the Papinpelto day-care centre, estimated cost 1 000 €. 84 votes
- Free use of a bicycle tire pumping station in kauppatori, estimated cost 7 000 €. 79 votes
- Creation of Raumlaise DNA sculpture at the roundabout between the Rauma main health centre and Old Rauma, estimated cost 20 000 €. 38 votes
- Purchase of a shared sewing machine for the library, estimated cost 2 000 €. 38 votes
- Accessible cinema night, estimated cost 5 000 €. 37 votes
- Free and guided 3D archery for a few days a week for a couple of months, estimated cost 8 000 €. 27 votes
Finished Implementations
- 100 new geocaches in Reksaari and Nurmes
- Design and implementation of a signposted cycle route in the city centre
- Construction of a canopy or covered picnic area with tables and benches in Kaunisjärvi Park
- Improvement and extension of the campfire site at the Maanpäännokka with benches and a table and the provision of ancillary activities in the surrounding nature area
- Upgrading and maintenance of the mountain bike trail in the Pyytjärvi area
- Addition of an outdoor fitness facility at the playground on Yhdystie in Kodisjoki
- Extension of the Pyynpää outdoor sports area – addition of frisbee golf baskets and a basketball court near Pyynpää school
- Replacement of aerobic equipment in the Lappi gym
- Purchase of rowing boats for free use in the canal
- Implementation of a lace-wing mural near the town centre or Rauma’s attractions
- Outdoor film for young people
- Rauma 580 theme party for adults with intellectual disabilities at the Ooperi
- Maltti & Valtti show at the Lappi Sports Hall
- Outdoor fitness equipment at the playground in Kaakkuripuisto
- War veterans’ badges on 50 flagpoles of the City of Rauma
- Livening up the yard of Hj. Nortamo school with benches, frisbee baskets and chin-up bars
- Replacement of kerbside litter bins as a pilot project
- Model of the Old Town Hall and traffic lights for the children’s traffic park
Evaluation phase in March, idea phase in February
The proposals received during the ideas phase were evaluated during March, and the most feasible ideas were selected for voting. Representatives of the Youth Council, the Council for the Elderly, the Council for People with Disabilities and experts from the city organisation participated in the feasibility assessment.