Corporate Services

The Corporate Services Division assists the Mayor in the management, planning, advocacy and financial management of the city, supports and creates the conditions for the effective operation of other divisions and monitors the achievement of the set objectives.

It includes
  • Salo Sari

Education, Culture and Leisure Division

The Education, Culture and Leisure Division meets the needs of the citizens of Rauma for education and leisure by providing services in education, lifelong learning, growth support, well-being and prevention, and by increasing and maintaining the attractiveness of the city.

The division is also responsible for the overall management of secondary vocational education, polytechnic education and university-level education, and monitors the activities and finances of the arts institutions that receive subsidies from the city.

It includes
  • Strander Soile

Technical Division

The Technical Division is responsible for technical services and related maintenance tasks.

It includes
  • Suvanto Tomi

City Development

City Development operates within the Corporate Services, under the authority of the City Council and the Mayor. Its mission is to promote and coordinate urban development activities of the city.

The City Development units are Business Services, Employment Services and Tourism. Contact us

The City Development tasks include
  • Saarinen Satu

Services of City Development