Regional City Rauma
Rauma is one of Finland’s 57 regional cities.

Regional cities are cities that are the centres or central cities of their region and economic area, but are not provincial centres. They form the basis of the municipal structure. They are centres for a smooth life, where it is easy and straightforward to combine work and family life with a varied and high-quality leisure time.
Regional cities are home to almost a million inhabitants and more than 60 000 businesses.
Regional Cities Network
The network includes Akaa, Alajärvi, Alavus, Forssa, Hamina, Heinola, Huittinen, Iisalmi, Ikaalinen, Imatra, Jämsä, Kalajoki, Kankaanpää, Kannus, Kauhajoki, Kauhava, Kemi, Kemijärvi, Keuruu, Kitee, Kokemäki, Kristiinankaupunki, Kurikka, Kuusamo, Laitila, Lieksa, Lohja, Loimaa, Loviisa, Mänttä-Vilppula, Nivala, Nurmes, Oulainen, Paimio, Parainen, Parkano, Pieksämäki, Pietarsaari, Raahe, Raasepori, Rauma, Riihimäki, Saarijärvi, Salo, Sastamala, Savonlinna, Somero, Suonenjoki, Tornio, Uusikaupunki, Valkeakoski, Varkaus, Viitasaari, Ylivieska, Ähtäri and Äänekoski.
Regional cities for a smooth life – key messages
- diverse urban policies
- the need for a skilled workforce is ensured through agile training
- vitality and services as assets
- accessibility gives way
- internationalisation accelerates growth
- climate and sustainable environment