Rauma City Strategy 2022–2030

The new city strategy for Rauma was approved by the city council in April 2022. The strategy is a clear plan, what the city aims to be by the year 2030. To turn words to deeds, everyone’s effort is needed.
The future plan was developed in cooperation with the citizens, businesses, staff and councillors, and it must be implemented together, says Mayor Esko Poikela in the strategy’s opening pages.
Rauma City Strategy Aims for Success
In accordance with the City Strategy, Rauma is a strong, impressive, and charming city in 2030.
The strong and impressive City of Rauma attracts new companies and investments as well as new residents and students, both within and beyond Finland’s borders. The charming city provides more and more opportunities for leading a meaningful life and will attract tourists and visitors alike.
We strengthen the framework conditions in which Rauma businesses operate and local educational opportunities, and promote the health and wellbeing of people living in Rauma. We invest in community building, shared experiences, and events, and we foster the unique Rauma community spirit where people genuinely care about each other.
Working together with the city’s residents, associations, companies, and entrepreneurs, we act bigger and more efficiently.
We develop Rauma’s reputation nationally and internationally as a unique and charismatic city that attracts young people and families with children.
This strategy was developed and will be implemented in collaboration with the local residents, business community, employees, and city councillors.
Strong and Impressive
A strong and impressive Rauma is thriving and vibrant. With our strong economy, we develop high-quality services and sustainable infrastructure, and enable a smooth everyday life. We are an active and strong influencer in both national and international networks.
Rauma is an attractive place for all types of entrepreneurship and industry. We are the most business-friendly city in our size group in Finland, and we offer smooth and efficient services − Rauma exceeds expectations!
We provide high-quality early childhood education and training for children. Rauma also offers a smooth everyday life, and diverse opportunities for housing, employment, and sports and recreation.
Charming Rauma
A charming Rauma offers a great experience for visitors. The city centre provides a functional meeting place for people of all ages, and the sea and maritime resources contribute to the city’s experience economy. Rauma is known for its fascinating World Heritage sites, experiential events, beautiful surroundings, and bold cultural scene. The city’s attraction is enhanced by new tourist destinations for families with children, which attract visitors from all over the world.

A strong sense of community and pride in the city forms the foundation of the Rauma spirit. At its best, the Rauma spirit is about genuine encounters between people, caring for others, tolerance, and brave deeds.
A Clear Change From the Present Situation
The new city strategy up until 2030 differs from its predecessors in its compact structure. It contains three clear goals and seven clarified strategic objectives. Another new feature is the identification of a clear target group. Young adults and families with children are now given special attention. The third clear innovation is to make better use of internationalisation and international networks.
Another clear innovation is that we will be doing things and planning in a bigger and more effective way. The strategy cites the design of a functional, attractive city centre and the creation of a tourist destination that is attractive to families with children as examples of this.

Three Main Goals set the Path to Success
Strategic goals have been clarified into three entities. Rauma wants to be vital, retaining and attractive.
Vitality is improved by being a versatile city for work and study, an active city of events and culture, and an internationally attractive city for business. Retention is achieved by being an attractive city for return migration and remote work, a charming seaside city, and an active, prosperous, and inclusive city. Rauma wants to attract especially young adults and families with children through renewal and vibrancy.
Value-Based Policies
The strategy will give the city new value-based approaches to be implemented in day-to-day operations, service delivery and development. They reflect our culture and the way we work.
Thinking bigger
We are bold to see opportunities and places for growth and success. We will foster an innovative and renewing culture of innovation and inclusion. We collaborate across borders and think bigger. We look beyond and are open to new things.
We make things simpler
We work and serve in the easiest and smoothest way possible, with the customer in mind. We communicate actively and clearly and make it easy for you to work with us.
We take responsibility
We look after our own wellbeing and that of our fellow citizens, businesses and the economy of the region. We care for nature and the environment and create sustainable and responsible practices. We promote equality, tolerance and security through our activities. We take responsibility in decision-making, planning and development and in the day-to-day delivery of services.
Programmes That Give Concrete Expression to the Strategy
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