Movers Rauma

Welcome to live in Rauma!

We are delighted to have you with us. To make you feel more at home with us, we’ve teamed up with companies in Rauma to offer you a wide range of benefits worth your money.

Download Muuttajan Rauma on your smartphone from the Google Play store or Apple Store. The benefits of the app are valid for one year from the date of activation.

Signing in to the app

Your personal username and password can be found in the letter sent to you. Please note that some letters are uppercase and some lowercase, so please be precise with them. You can only use the application on one device with the same ID.

Please contact us by email at if you have any technical problems with the application.

Keep the IDs you receive. We will not provide you with new IDs if you lose them or if the IDs sent to you have expired.

For technical problems, for example if your account does not work or the application logs you out, you can contact

Benefits for Movers

The City of Rauma offers you the following benefits:

  • two free swims at Rauma Swimming Hall
  • joint ticket to museums in Rauma – Vanha Raatihuone, Home Museum Marela, House Museum Kirsti and Rauma Art Museum
  • one-time ticket to Rauma Maritime Museum
  • one-time ticket to the Lönnström Home Museum
  • In addition, the Muuttajan Rauma app includes benefits offered by local businesses.

You can identify the companies offering benefits by the Muuttajan Rauma sticker, which can usually be found on shop fronts, front doors or shop windows.

More information

  • Riikilä Kari