Stages, Grandstands and Tents

When organising events, it is worth checking in good time whether temporary structures in the event area require a permit from the City of Rauma Building Inspection.

Structures that remain in place for more than 14 days require a permit in accordance with Rauma’s building regulations. To apply for a permit for the erection of performance stages and grandstands, large tents and other temporary structures at an event, please contact the City of Rauma Inspectors.

Even if the erection of temporary structures at an event does not require a permit, the safety of the event must be ensured, and the structures must be agreed with the emergency services and the police.

Permission to Place Event Signs and Advertisements Along the Streets

The licensing of advertising measures should be checked with the building control licensing inspectors. Advertisements on buildings or streetsides should normally be subject to notification to the building control authorities. The installation of advertisements may require a permit, for example in areas of cultural and historical value.

For more information

  • Heinilä Timo