Rescue and Safety Plan for a Public Event

The safety plan for the event will be submitted to the Rauma Police Station as an attachment to the public event notice and the rescue plan to the fire inspectors of the Rauma Fire Station, Satakunta Rescue Department. The plans can be combined into a single package, as long as the requirements of both authorities are taken into account. The organiser of the event is responsible for all aspects of the event, even if they are provided by an external party. The safety and emergency plans for all operations at the event will be integrated into the plans for the event as a whole.
The Safety Plan Includes
- An explanation of the nature of the event
- Risk analysis (risk assessment and prediction)
- A plan for maintaining order in the event area
- Contact details of the persons responsible for security at the event.
An Emergency Plan is Prepared in the Following Situations
- An event has an audience of more than 200 people.
- Open fire, fireworks or other pyrotechnic articles are used at the event.
- There are abnormal exit procedures from the venue.
- The nature of the event poses a particular risk to people.
The emergency plan for the event is submitted to the Rescue Department at least 14 days before the event. In the emergency plan, the event organiser assesses the risks associated with the event and describes the related emergency measures, instructions for action and designates contact persons. In addition to drawing up the emergency plan, the event organiser must also ensure that the event staff and those working and operating at the event are familiar with the plan.
If an event is held in a facility that has a building emergency plan but does not take account of the event in question, the event organiser must draw up a separate emergency plan for the event.