A Notice to the Police

The organiser of a public event must notify the Rauma Police Station in writing at least five working days before the event. However, it is advisable to notify the police as early as possible, especially for large public events, at least six months before the event. Please take into account the spring and summer rush periods when submitting your report.

For more information on the notice and the necessary forms, please consult the police website. To do this electronically, you must be logged in. The printed form can be delivered to the Rauma Police Station License Services in person or by post. An appointment is required at the License Services.

A public event is defined in the Public Assembly Act. A public event is generally defined as a fair, market, party, ceremony, competition, exhibition, advertising event, concert or other event to which persons other than those specifically invited are admitted with or without payment. Public events are organised by individuals, companies and associations. Public events bring people together for a purpose or meaning at a specific time and place.

A Public Event Notice Should Be Made for at Least the Following Events

  • large events, more than 200 participants
    outdoor events in public places, in particular on traffic routes
  • events for special groups, such as young children,
  • people with reduced mobility, elderly people
  • late evening or night events, after 10 p.m.
  • there will be alcohol served at the event
  • the event requires law enforcement or traffic control
  • an event requiring emergency planning, an event with more than 200 persons
  • events that arouse strong emotions, there is a risk of disruption of some

No notification is required if the event does not require measures to maintain order and security or special traffic arrangements, for example because of the small number of participants, the nature of the event or the location of the event. These events may be held indoors or outdoors. It is sometimes difficult to distinguish between notifiable and exempt events.

Event organisers should always seek advice from the police licensing services if they are unsure whether an event should be notified.

Police licence services

Tel. +358 295 417 744

Call during weekdays between 9-15 o’clock


Request a call via email

Notice of General Assembly

A public meeting held in a public place must be notified orally or in writing to the local police at least six hours before the beginning of the meeting.


The organiser is responsible for the safety of the public attending the event. The organisation of the event is supervised by various authorities, but this does not absolve the organiser from liability in the event of accidents, incidents or other damage.

When it comes to insurance, the organiser is obliged to consider visitors, event staff and property.

Some insurance is compulsory, and some is optional. Event organisers should find out at the planning stage what kind of insurance is needed for the event.

In addition to liability and staff insurance, you should consider insuring your property and taking out an interruption insurance policy.