A large public event is an event that is expected to attract at least 1500 simultaneous visitors. The event organiser must notify the Environmental Health Care of a large public event at least 30 days before the event.

The Form Includes

  • A list of food business operators attending the event
  • Water used for drinking and cooking, washing, cleaning and sanitation must meet the quality standards for household water. If water is brought to the event, for example by tanker truck, it is the responsibility of the event organiser to ensure the quality of the water and its suitability for its intended use.
  • Information on the organisation of waste management at the event, including a map of the event area showing the location of waste bins and toilets.
  • Information on public toilets and hand-washing facilities.
  • Environmental Health Care must also receive a report or map showing the location of food stalls in the event area and the service areas for food sales.

Issues to Be Considered for Food Sales at Public Events

  • Toilets for food vendors must be provided for the exclusive use of staff.
  • The food vendors’ toilets shall be equipped with facilities for washing hands with water and liquid soap and for hygienic drying, for example with disposable hand towels.
  • Facilities for food vendors to wash utensils and dishes.
  • Monitoring the condition and cleanliness of the service areas provided by the event organiser.
  • Electricity access and reliability, especially for refrigeration equipment, water supply and wastewater treatment.
  • Where necessary, the prevention of dust pollution in sales areas.

Issues to Be Considered When Organising a Large Public Event, Other Than the Ones Above or Included in the Notice of a Large Public Event to the Environmental Health Care

  • The location and accessibility of toilets in the event area, with the possibility of maintaining hand hygiene in the immediate vicinity of the toilets.
  • If necessary, a study of the microbiological quality of the water provided (E. coli, enterococcus, coliform bacteria). The hoses used for the discharge of household water must comply not only with the requirements for cleanliness but also with those for materials.
  • If necessary, wastewater treatment must be provided.

If a temporary camping site for accommodation is organised in connection with a public event, a campsite notification must be submitted to the City of Rauma Environmental Protection Care.

The City of Rauma Environmental Protection requires that temporary camping sites are organised in such a way that they also meet the requirements of the Health Protection Act and the City of Rauma’s health protection regulations, in addition to the public event area.

More information about campsite notifications