The organiser of a public event must obtain the consent of the owner or operator of the venue to use the venue for the event. Permission to use the site is often the first thing that needs to be done when organising a public event. Large events require separate negotiations with the venue owner.

A permit is required if the event will restrict public use of the site or if special traffic arrangements are needed for the event. A permit is also required if the event requires measures to maintain safety and order.

Applying for a Land Use Permit

For events in public areas owned by the City of Rauma, such as streets, squares, parks and car parks, the application for a permit is made by email to the managing body of the area.

The application must include at least the following information:

  • contact details of the applicant
  • the area to be used
  • the intended use
  • the date/event period (specifying construction, event and disassembly dates)
  • estimated number of visitors for the event
  • the parking of service vehicles, if any, and the need for traffic arrangements

For public events in the Rauma city centre area, a land use permit is requested from the Rauman Yrittäjät ry, which manages the Rauma city centre area.

For events in other public areas owned by the City of Rauma, permission is obtained from the Real Estate and Surveying Department.

Permission to use the courtyard of Rauma Town Hall is obtained from the Facilities Services.

The use of sports and outdoor areas and swimming pools for events is decided by the Sports Services.

The land use permit for small marinas and harbours’ land and sea areas not under the control of the Port of Rauma is obtained from the Real Estate and Surveying Department.

The owner or holder of each private area issues the permit.

Apply for Permit

  • Palmulaakso Mika

  • Sillanpää Lauri

  • Lehto Jouni

Apply Ahead of Time

The timeframe for applying for a site or premises licence depends on the venue you are applying for, the date of the event and the nature of the event. It is usually best to start by reserving an area or facility and applying for a land use permit.

Rent and Permit Fees

Fees for events are determined by the nature of the event, its duration and the number of visitors. The fees are also affected by any necessary traffic arrangements, street or footpath closures and parking space closures. Unauthorised use of the public area will be charged at double the rate of the fees.

The permit holder must agree separately with the various city departments on the measures, costs and infrastructure that may be involved in the event.

Damage Compensation

If the area used for the event is damaged by the permit holder, the damage will be repaired at the permit holder’s expense. If necessary, the permit holder will arrange initial and final inspections of the site with the landowner’s representative.

The landowner, whether municipal or private, may impose conditions or prohibit the event altogether if the event is not suitable for the planned location or if there are other obstacles to its organisation.