'Rakastunut Raumaan' logo

In Rauma, event organisers are helped by the Culture and Leisure services, Tourism services, Service Point Pyyrman and the authorities, each with their own services. Rauma has plenty of skilled and multidisciplinary workers! Business expertise is also at its best and the Rakastunut Raumaan ry is happy to support event organisers. For many years, our city has been hosting a wide variety of events for all ages. In Rauma, you will find expertise, good practices and services to support your event organisation!

Event Outsourcing Services

In event production, services and materials are bought and rented from companies in various sectors. You can search the City of Rauma’s business and services registry to find companies operating in the Rauma area and the products and services they offer.

Event Marketing

In addition to other event marketing, it is also important to remember local marketing methods and practices that are close to the people of Rauma.

Outdoor Advertisement

The banner stands on Nortamon Street and Valtakatu in the city centre offer a good opportunity for marketing events. For more information on the booking options and prices of the banners, please contact Rauman Yrittäjät Oy. Rauma’s outdoor advertising spaces and billboards are mainly managed by companies and sports clubs.


Posters can be put up on notice boards in libraries, shops, restaurants, cafés and sports and leisure facilities, with permission. You should check with the building supervision whether you need a permit for street-side advertising.

Contact Information

The City of Rauma Service Point Pyyrman provides information about the services of the City of Rauma. Ticket sales for events and occasions can be arranged at the service point.

More information about Service Point Pyyrman

The City of Rauma Tourist Information Center provides information about the city, its services and events. The Tourist Information Center also has marketing materials on Rauma.

More information about Rauma Tourist Information Center