Choosing and Booking a Venue

Rauma has efficient and comfortable venues for large and small events, both outdoors and indoors. All venues are in the city, close to a wide range of services and accommodations.
The UNESCO World Heritage Site of Old Rauma offers a memorable and atmospheric setting for small-scale events. The Parpansali Park along the Canal enables events for several thousand visitors to be held right in the centre of Rauma. Otanlahti has a beautiful long sandy beach, the atmospheric Poroholma campsite and a sports centre. In addition, Rauma’s other sports arenas and fields provide a good setting for organising various sporting events, for example. The distances between venues are always short in Rauma!

Applying for a land use permit
The consent of the owner or occupier of the venue is required to organise an event on the premises. Read more about how to apply.
Plan in Advance and Choose Wisely
The nature, content and target audience of an event will influence the choice of venue, but the venue will also have an impact on the event and its organisation.
When choosing a venue, it is a good idea to consider the target audience, i.e. the type of visitors expected, the time and duration of the event, the number of participants, the impact of the event on the surrounding area and the activities and services provided.
When making your choice, you should also consider the suitability of the venue for hosting a public event. How security arrangements can be made for the event, how accessible the area or space is, what kind of infrastructure and supplementary services are available in the area or how much it will cost to provide them.
- For information on the city’s facilities and the various event areas, please contact Service Point Pyyrman.
In the early stages of planning an event, it is also useful to consider how the various elements of the event can be accommodated in the area or event space. Use maps to help you in this process.
- A map at the right scale is needed to draw up a plan for the use of the event area. The city’s mapping services can be found at the Real Estate and Surveying Department. For scale maps of the city’s event areas, see the Event Organiser’s Guide.
- For indoor events, a floor plan of the building can be used to plan the use of the space.
It Pays to Book Early
You should start looking for a suitable venue for your event early and, depending on the area and location, make your booking and rental agreement or application for a land use permit well in advance. The more time you have before the event, the more likely it is that you will be able to book the desired venue. A well-chosen venue and the right timing are important factors in the success of the event.
- You can check the city’s event calendar to see what kind of events are taking place in Rauma.
- From the facilities booking calendar you can check the booking status of the city’s cultural, youth and sports facilities and make a booking application. To submit an application, you need to log in to the system (in Finnish).
- For instructions on how to apply for a permit to use public areas owned by the city, see the Event Organiser’s Guide. The use of private areas must be agreed with the owner of the area.
You should also reserve the area or space for the time needed for event preparation, construction and demolition. If you need to bring equipment and store it on the site before the start of the booking period, this must be agreed separately.
You can view the status of reservations, search for a suitable available space and make new reservation requests. For instructions on how to submit an application, click here.
Rauma has events for all ages, and for all interests! Find out more about the wide range of events in Rauma.