Applying to Art School

Application for the School Year
You can apply to the Rauma Art School by registering in the application queue: click here
Application period 2.5.-15.8.2024 until 14:00.
New students aged 7-17 are admitted to the groups in order of registration.
How to Apply After the Application Deadline
If you are aged 7-17 and are interested in studying at Rauma Art School, please call the school director (tel 0447933427) or send an email ( to ask about any available places.
Enrolment for Continuing Students
Students already studying at the theater school will receive a registration link via email in the spring, from which they can choose a course for next academic year. A few instructions for continuing enrolment:
- The basic courses are chosen in order. If you were in basic course 1 this year, you will be in Basic course 2 next academic year, etc.
- After basic course 5, you can choose a workshop. You can choose the workshops in the order that suits you. Workshops are filled in the order of enrolment. There is room for about 12-16 students in a workshop, depending on the activities of the workshop.
- You must also inform the school as soon as possible if you want to finish your studies or take a gap year.