Study guide

The study guide for spring 2024 has been distributed to all households in Rauma Wed 13.12.23
Opinto-opas kevät 2024

The study guide for the whole academic year 2023-2024 is still available.
Opinto-opas 2023-2024

General Information

Feedback and Certificates
Transfer Exams
Current Information
Safety, Security and Insurance
Rauma Adult Education Center’s Equality and Equity Plan 2024-2026

Distance Learning

Rauma Adult Education centre offers distance learning courses, which offer a possibility to learn and enjoy your hobby from the comfort of your own home!

You need a computer, a tablet or a smart phone that is connected to the internet to attend your distance learning classes. If you are using a computer, you need a separate microphone and a speaker if they are not built into the device. The programs mainly used for distance learning are Zoom and Microsoft Teams.

Instructions for their use can be found here: