General Information

Premises and Locations
Premises to rent
Vanha opisto (Vähäkoulukatu 8) is rented out when the premises are not in use for teaching purposes.
For autumn we open the booking calendar in August, and for spring in November-December. For information, please contact the office, tel. 044 793 4515.
Teaching facilities
List of teaching facilities with addresses :
Commisioned Training and Continuing Education
You can buy continuing education courses from Rauma Adult Education Centre all year round.
Contact us and let us know your requirements, we will find a suitable trainer, design a tailor-made content and arrange contact with the trainer.
Haavisto Kristina
Coordinator, In-house Training
Tel. +358 44 403 6177
Teaching at Rauma Adult Education Centre
Do you have a skill you would like to share and teach others?
In addition to full-time staff, Rauma Adult Education Centre employs around 160 hourly teachers each year. We are always in need of substitutes and new teachers.
Please tell us briefly about yourself, your work and educational experience and your areas of strength. Please also tell us what kind of courses you could teach. These can be more than the courses we currently offer.
Planning for the new academic year starts in February and in March most of the teachers for the next academic year are recruited. The majority of Rauma Adult Education Centre courses are held in the evenings, but day and weekend courses are also possible. Offer us a short course or a course for the whole year.
Feel free to contact the teacher/planner in charge!