Water’s Journey from Raw Water to Household Water

Where does Rauma’s water come from?
How is Rauma’s drinking water treated?
Does all the water go through the water tower?
How much water is in the water tower?

Water Quality

Water quality before and after treatment?
Why does water taste and smell of chlorine?
Why is the water sometimes cloudy?
How hard is Rauma’s domestic water?

Water Prices and Consumption in the Rauma Area

How much does water cost?
How much water is consumed in Rauma per year?

There is no Water

No water or water quality problems, what should I do?
There is no hot water, what should I do?

Waste Water

Can food scraps or other rubbish be put down the drain?
How does the wastewater go to the treatment plant?
How is Rauma’s waste water treated?
How will the impact of waste water on the waters off Rauma be studied?

Rauma Water



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