Waste sorting

Waste sorting is easy and saves the environment and natural resources. Valuable materials are reused and the use of new materials is reduced. The sorting is also economical.
Kierrätys.info – you can search for regional collection points and collecting information in Rauma and all over Finland.
Mixed waste
Household waste, that cannot be recycled other ways is known as mixed waste. Mixed waste is loaded at The Hevossuo Waste Treatment Centre’s loading hall before incineration.
- light bulbs, including incandescent and halogen
- lighters and fuses
- discs, CDs, DVDs, cassettes, video tapes
- empty toner and ink cartridges
- used diapers
- vacuum cleaner bags
- cosmetic products
- ceramic and porcelain dishes
- shoes (i.e. rubber and leather materials)
- cigarette ends and ashes
- dirty clothes and other fabrics
- dirty papers and cartons/cardboards
- polyurethane foams materials ( i.e. mattresses)
- other plastic materials than plastic packagings, (i.e. plastic toys, dishwashing brush)
- books
NO - flammable or explosive waste
- liquid waste
- hazardous waste
- toilet waste
- gravelling sand or other soil
- large or heavy items, (i.e. furniture, construction waste)
- electrical devices
- reusable materials (i.e glass, metal, paper, carton and cardboard)
- biowaste
Plastic packaging
Flatten the packages, if possible. Remove caps, lids and pump parts and sort them separately. These parts are often made of different plastic than the rest of the packaging. The measure improves recycling.
Suomen pakkauskierrätys RINKI Oy
Empty and dry plastic household packaging
- plastic food packaging such as yoghurt pots, butter tubs and packaging for colt cuts, cheese and ready-meal trays
- detergent, shampoo and soap packaging
- plastic bottles, cans and jars, preferably flattened
- plastic carrier bags, pouches and wrappings
- EPS or Styrofoam packaging
NO - mixed waste, construction waste or very dirty plastic packagin
- any material other than plastic packaging (no cardboard, glass, metal, wood)
- other plastic products or plastic packaging used in companies
- packages that contain traces of dangerous substances (e.g. lighter fluids, oils, fuels, paints, chemicals, medicines). Take these packages to the local hazardous waste disposal point.
Textiles should be recycled, sold or donated. You can donate clothes, home textiles, toys and shoes in good condition to charities. If this is not possible, textiles are recycled as material or utilized as energy.
End-of-life textiles are utilized as material
End-of-life textiles are unusable and unnecessary home textiles and clothes. Utilization as a material means the opening of textile fibers and the reprocessing and use of the fiber obtained from it. Recycled fiber is processed into products for the automotive and textile industries.
The end-of-life textiles should be packed in a plastic bag. Collection containers for end-of-life textiles can be found from the recycling points maintained by Rauma Waste Management in Rauma and Eurajoki. In Luvia the end-of-life textile collection container is at S-market’s ecopoint.
End-of-life textiles must be clean, dry and odorless. They must also not contain textile pests, not even traces of pests. The end-of-life textiles are sorted by hand, so we hope you follow the instructions.
Waste textiles are currently collected at seven recycling points maintained by The Waste Management, Hevossuo Waste Treatment Centre and Kirppis Retriika. It is a good idea to bring large quantities of end-of-life textiles directly to Hevossuo.
You can find receiving points from the map at www.kierratys.info.
- coats, pants, skirts ja shirts
- sheets, towels, curtains and tablecloth
- shoes, bags, belts, underwear, socks, tights
- pillows, blankets, sleeping bags and stuffed toys
- dirty textiles, like damp, moldy, strong odour/smell
- rugs
Around a third of all household waste is made up of organic material. You can use your biowaste container or composter to dispose of all organic matter, i.e. anything that was previously a living organism. Please place your biowaste in a paper bag or in a folded newspaper bag.
Biowaste is turned into gas at the biogas plants. If biowaste is not separated from other waste, it will be incinerated alongside mixed waste and this will impair the incineration process.
More about biowaste collection containers and composters from household waste management page.
- food waste, fish bones and trimmings
- peelings, including berries, fruit and vegetables
- egg shells
- dried and spoiled food
- tea leaves and coffee grounds, including filters
- baking paper, egg carton
- dried up flowers and plants
- solidified fat, wrapped in paper
- small animal/ pet cleaning waste, i.e. pellets
NO - hazardous waste, including out-of-date medicines
- liquids
- cigarette ends, ash
- vacuum cleaner bags
- milk and juice cartons
- rubber, leather, glass, porcelain
- fabrics
- plastics, metals
- plastic-coated papers, nappies
- cat litter, soil
Glass packaging
You can place both clear and coloured glass packages in glass package collections. The items must be rinsed, remove lids, tops and metal parts removed. All bottles that are subject to a deposit scheme (pantti) should be returned to your local shop.
Even a small fragment of porcelain mixed with glass packaging collection can lead to significant issues and cost. If you are not sure whether something is glass package or not, it is better to dispose it as mixed waste than to include it in glass packaging collection.
- glass bottles
- glass jars
- lids, tops and plastic and metal parts (collar can be left as is)
- porcelain, ceramics
- glass crockery, including drinking glasses, oven dishes, coffee makers and lids
- crystal glasses
- opal glass (i.e. cosmetics packaging and decorative items)
- window panes, windscreens
- mirrors and laminated glass
- injection vials and ampoules
Metal waste can be placed into a metal collection container or to the Hevossuo Waste Treatment Centre free of charge. Larger pieces of metal waste, including bicycles, lawnmowers, steel roofing and agricultural machinery should be taken to a scrap merchant or to the Hevossuo Waste Treatment Centre. Please remove batteries and drain oil.
- cans, metal tops and lids
- ready meal containers, clean foil
- metal tea light linersdrinks cans not subject to a deposit scheme (pantti)
- metal domestic items, including saucepans
- metal tools, including hammers, screws, nails and files
- small machine parts
- empty, dry paint tins
- any mixed items made up of at least 50% metal
EI - batteries
- electrical devices
- hazardous waste
Papers should be sorted carefully to ensure the greatest possible benefit from the collection so that papers can be recycled to new paper products . You can take your collected papers to housing company’s collection container, to recycling points or to The Hevossuo Waste Treatment Centre.
Collected papers shouldn’t be placed in plastic bags, boxes or tied up with string as this will make it unsuitable for reuse by the paper industry.
Deliver confidential documents for the service provider.
- newspapers and magazines
- advertising
- printer and copy paper
- recycled paper, colored paper
- envelopes
NO - aluminum-coated paper
- gift wrap
- wet or dirty paper
- cardboard or carton
- books
- soft paper products (i.e. kitchen towel, hand towels, tissues)
- egg cartons
- brown paper bags
- gift wrap
- drawings and craft carton
- wallpaper
Carton packaging
Cartons and cardboards should be sorted carefully to ensure the greatest possible benefit from the collection so that cartons and cardboards can be recycled to new products.
You can take your collected cartons and cardboards to housing company’s collection container, to recycling points or to The Hevossuo Waste Treatment Centre.
Unfold and flatten all packaging and boxes, tapes and staples don’t need to be removed.
- cardboard boxes
- kraft paper, corrugated fibreboard
- milk, juice and other cartons, rinsed and drip-dried
- biscuit and cake packaging
- sugar and flour bagsclean disposable tableware
- egg cartons
- brown paperbags
NO - wet or dirty carton or cardboard
- wallpaper
- gift wrapping paper
- plastic-coated carton or cardboard
- soft paper products
Electrical devices
Electrical devices requires some kind of electrical power sources or batteries to operate. Free of charge reception at The Hevossuo Waste Treatment Centre for i.e. batteries, energy-saving light bulbs and fluorescent tubes. Can also be delivered to some stores selling them.
- refrigerators, freezers
- washing machines, dishwashers
- cookers, microwave ovens
- TVs, video machines, video cameras
- radios, speakers, digital cameras, instruments
- computers, printers, screens, keyboards
- vacuum cleaners (please remove all bags), sewing machines
- hair dryers, ironing boards, electric shavers
- wringers, toasters, coffee machines
- lights, torches
- electrical and electronic tools (excluding industrial tools)
- medical equipment
- monitoring equipment
- fire alarms with batteries removed
- energy-, led- and fluorescent lights
NO - dismantled devices
- loose batteries
Hazardous waste
Hazardous waste includes substances that, even in small quantities, have the potential to harm human health and the environment. Hazardous waste must never be mixed with other waste. You should always return all explosives, fireworks and emergency flares to the place where you bought them or hand them over to the police. All medicines and mercury- in-glass thermometers should be returned to a pharmacy.
Free of charge reception for hazardous waste to private individuals at The Hevossuo Waste Treatment Centre. Return items in their original packaging whenever possible. If you no longer have the packaging, please label your waste clearly.
- waste oil and oily waste
- batteries and battery fluids
- paint, glue, varnish and solvents
- chemicals
- pesticides and crop protection products
- repellents
- brake and clutch fluids, anti-freezes
- batteries and rechargeable batteries
- full or partially full aerosols
- medicines and mercury-in-glass thermometers
NO - incandescent and halogen bulbs, fuses
- toner and ink cartridges
- video and cassette tapes, computer discs
Garden waste
You can bring garden waste to Hevossuo Waste Treatment Centre all year around. Garden waste cost 5,06€/trailer load. There’s garden waste area where there are piles for branches, for raking waste, for stumps and container for apples.
Garden waste handling:
- branch waste will be chipped
- raking waste will be composted
- stumps will be crushed and chipped
- apples will be transported to the biogas production facility or to game feeding
Hevossuo Waste Treatment Centre arranges garden waste weeks in spring and autumn, during which time garden waste are free of charge.
-> More information from garden waste weeks section.
Branch waste
- branches (max. 20cm diameter)
- sticks
- berry bush roots
- also hawthorn branches
- stumps
- logs
Raking waste
- leaves and needles
- weeds without invasive alien species (more information from invasive alien species section)
- cones
- reeds
- moss
- soil materials with grass/lawn
- branches
- sticks
- roots
- stumps
Apple waste
- apples and other fruits from garden separately
- apples and other fruits from garden with plastic bag
Invasive Alien Species
Reception of Invasive Alien Species to Hevossuo Waste Treatment Centre is free of charge. Info about your waste load at the reception office and you will be guided to the right place.
Small amounts of Invasive Alien Species with roots can be disposed with domestic waste in packed form. Notice that the container’s weight doesn’t go over the limit of 60kg.
More information: vieraslajit.fi
Common Invasive Alien Species
- Japanese Rose (Kurtturuusu)
- Garden lupin (Lupiini)
- Himalayan balsam (Jättipalsami)
- Scientific name: Heracleum persicum (Jättiputki)
- Scientific name: Avena fatua (Hukkakaura)
- Japanese knotweed (Japanintatar)
If you wish, you can put the dog poo litter sticker on the side of the small house’s outdoor container, so that passing dog walkers get permission to drop dog poop bags into the container.
In Rauma, stickers are available from the town hall’s service point Pyyrman and Hevossuo Waste Treatment Centre.

Recycling points
In the city of Rauma, there are several recycling points for both complementary packaging waste and for other recyclable waste collections. The costs of the points are covered by the waste fee.