Recycling points

In the city of Rauma, there are several recycling points for both complementary packaging waste and for other recyclable waste collections. The costs of the points are covered by the waste fee. In some of these points there are also a battery compartment, the UFF clothing collection container and the Salvation Army collection container. These points are intended specifically for the wastes mentioned above. Don’t leave any other waste or large objects that do not fit into the collection containers.
Unfortunately, recycling points are also misused and cause additional cleaning and transportation costs, which are then covered by waste fees. This isn’t a good thing for the cleanliness of the environment and it is annoying to those who sorts precisely and carefully and recycles their waste. Take the extra waste from the renovation or moving projects, for example hazardous waste and electrical devices to Hevossuo Waste Treatment Centre.
Collection points maintained by The Waste Management
Old Rauma, Eteläkatu | Metal, end-of-life textiles, paper and Uff-clothing collection |
Pyynpää, Itsenäisyydenkatu | Metal, end-of-life textiles, paper and Uff-clothing collection |
Uotila, Kentäntie | Metal, end-of-life textiles and paper |
Kappelinluhta, Luoteisväylä/Kappelinsalment.rist. | Metal, end-of-life textiles, paper and Uff-clothing collection |
Bergström’s pond (Pärskä), Lännentien risteys | Metal, end-of-life textiles, paper and Uff-clothing collection |
Lappi, Myllykuja | Metal, end-of-life textiles, paper and Uff-clothing collection |
Kaaro, Sorkan Maantie 66 | Metal, end-of-life textiles and paper |
Ota, Raumanmerenkatu/Otantie rist. | Metal, paper and Uff-clothing collection |
Sampaanala, Lounaisväylä | Metal, paper and Uff-clothing collection |
Unaja, Pyhärannantie | Metal, carton packaging, glass packaging, paper and Uff-clothing collection |
Haapasaari, Haapasaarentie 218 | Metal, carton packaging, glass packaging and paper |
Vasarainen, Vasaraisten koulu | Metal, carton packaging, glass packaging and paper |
Kauklainen, Kauklaistentie 239 | Metal, carton packaging, glass packaging and paper |
Kodiksami, Kodiksamintie | Metal, carton packaging, glass packaging and paper |
Kodisjoki, Kodisjoentie 1423 | Metal, carton packaging, glass packaging and paper |
Vermuntila, Vermuntilantie 48 | Metal, carton packaging, glass packaging and paper |
Flea market Retriika at Hakunintie 10, is also also a collection point for end-of-life textiles in Rauma.
When shopping at the flea market, you can take clothes and other household textiles suitable for end-of-life textiles collection to Retriika’s collection roll.
Piece Of Jeans has made the hood for the roller coaster by recycling jeans.
Ecopoints maintained by others
Citymarket, Karjalankatu 5 | Plastic-, carton-, metal- and glass packaging + paper and Uff-clothing collection |
K-Supermarket Arena, Teollisuuskatu 2 | Plastic-, carton-, metal- and glass packaging + paper and Uff-clothing collection |
Prisma, Porintie 4 | Plastic-, carton-, metal- and glass packaging + paper and Uff-clothing collection |
S-Market, Äyhöjärventie 1 | Plastic-, carton-, metal- and glass packaging + paper and Uff-clothing collection |
S-Market Lappi, Sahamäentie 25 | Plastic-, carton-, metal- and glass packaging + paper |
S-Market Kehätie, Spindeltie 2 | Plastic-, carton-, metal- and glass packaging + paper and Uff-clothing collection |
Lähdepelto, Kodisjoentie 91 | Carton-, metal- and glass packaging + paper |
Kolla, Kollantie 156 | Carton-, metal- and glass packaging + paper |
ABC-Kortela, Unajantie 2 | Carton-, metal- and glass packaging + paper |
Collection points maintained by The Waste Management
Lapijoki, Hietatie 10 | Cardboard packaging, glass packaging, metal, paper, end-of-life textiles, Uff-clothing collection |
Linnamaa, Lankintie 3 | Cardboard packaging, glass packaging, metal, paper |
Eurajoki, Jäähallintie | Cardboard packaging, glass packaging, metal, paper, end-of-life textiles, Uff-clothing collection |
Irjanne, Kaukomäentie 15 | Cardboard packaging, glass packaging, metal, paper |
Kuivalahti, Pihlauksentie 4 | Cardboard packaging, glass packaging, metal, paper |
Peränkylä, Peränkyläntie 3 | Cardboard packaging, glass packaging, metal, paper |
Rydinnummi, Vernikontie 339 | Cardboard packaging, glass packaging, metal, paper |
Luvia, Lukkarilantie 1 | End-of-life textiles |
Ecopoints maintained by others
Olkiluodontie 8, Lunch cafe Ydinportti | Cardboard packaging, glass packaging, metal, paper |
Riikontie 2, K-supermarket Eurajoki | Cardboard packaging, glass packaging, metal, paper, plastic packaging |
Lukkarilantie 1, S-market Luvia | Cardboard packaging, glass packaging, metal, paper, plastic packaging, Uff-clothing collection |

Recycling points
In the city of Rauma, there are several recycling points for both complementary packaging waste and for other recyclable waste collections. The costs of the points are covered by the waste fee.
Kierrä is an online service maintained by Suomen Kiertovoima ry (KIVO). More information about KIVO at:
The service can be used to search for information on regional collection points and rotating collections for household waste throughout Finland. No personal data is collected from users of the service. The usage amounts of the service are monitored using statistics.