What waste is accepted at Hevossuo Waste Treatment Centre?
How is waste management organized in Rauma and Eurajoki?
Where do you report improper waste handling, such as waste burning, which should be addressed?
What are stabbing and sharp wastes? How do I pack them safely?
Can I put the ashes in the waste container?
Where can I take unnecessary, usable goods and textiles?
Where do I take large/bulky waste?
Will the extra bags be taken that are placed next to the waste container?
Where can I take car tires?
Where should the discarded documents and accounting folders go?
Where can you take energy-saving lamps, an old TV and a computer?
Is a light bulb hazardous waste?
Where can you take impregnated wood?
Why does the same car collect glass, metal and paper? Do they go to the same load?
I am renovating the exterior of the house. Where do I take the old roof sheets and wall minerites?
I found three outdated emergency rockets in the corner of the barn. Can I take them to Hevossuo?
Where is the Rauma region’s biowaste taken?
Does cat litter go in the biowaste container?
What is a good composter like?
Where do I compost garden waste?
My neighbor’s garden compost is right on the border of the plot. Can that be it?
Our building company plans to renew the waste shed and place it right on the border so that it does not disturb the residents. What we do?

Rauma Waste Management

Hevossuo Waste Treatment Centre

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