Rauman seudun jätehuoltolaitos (Rauma Waste Management)

Rauma seudun jätehuoltolaitos (Rauma Waste Management) is a municipal establishment belonging to the City of Rauma. Our main task is to organise waste management in the Rauma area (mixed, biowaste and packaging waste collection), to organise waste management in the Eurajoki area (packaging waste collection and biowaste collection from 1 July 2024) and to maintain our own recycling points and the Hevossuo Waste Treatment Centre.

On 1 January 2023, the organisation of waste management in the Eurajoki area, including Luvia, will be taken over by the Rauma Waste Management.

In the Eurajoki area, waste transport for mixed waste will continue to be organised by the property owner, i.e. the property owner will order the emptying of the waste containers from the waste transporter of their choice. Emptying of packaging waste, Eurajoki eco-fees and the emptying of the regional collection points in the Luvia coastal areas are managed by the Rauma Waste Management.

In accordance with the Waste Act, the transport of packaging waste (cardboard, metal, glass and plastic packaging) was put out to tender by the municipality from 1 July 2023 in the Rauma and Eurajoki areas.

In the Eurajoki area, the transport of biowaste will be put out to tender by the municipality on 1 July 2024.

Rauma’s waste management activities are governed by the Waste Management Act and the municipality’s waste management regulations. The regulations guide waste management according to the principle of sustainable development so that the amount of waste is reduced and as much of it as possible is recycled.

The sorting of recyclable wastes saves the environment and natural resources. Valuable raw materials can be recycled.

Waste management organized by the municipality in accordance with the Waste Act
According to the Waste Act, all waste management costs must be covered by waste fees
The municipal responsibility

Rauma Waste Management

Hevossuo Waste Treatment Centre

Customer Service

Post Address

Rauman seudun jätehuoltolaitoksen tunnus.