Contact informations and opening hours

Hevossuo Waste Treatment Centre
Hevossuontie 50
26510 Rauma
Open on Mon-Fri at 7–18
Closed on public holidays.
tel. +358 44 403 6420
Customer service
Emptying of the containers and billing
Tel. +358 40 833 1060
Open on Mon-Fri at 9–15
Closed on public holidays
Mailing address
Rauman seudun jätehuoltolaitos
Kanalinranta 3
PL 104, 26101 Rauma

Waste transport and handling, construction
Operations Manager
Tarja Sillanpää
Tel. +358 44 793 4487
Waste station maintenance
Waste Station Attendant
Mika Laine
Tel. +358 44 793 4489
Waste management official
Waste Management Agent
Jenni Korkeakoski
Tel. +358 44 430 9882