Street Work Permits
Permits for Fences, Digs, and Siting
It is not permitted to work on the streets and other public areas within the city plan without a permit from the city. In this case an appropriate permit for the work must be acquired (permits for fences, digs, and/or siting).
The city aims to process the notification as quickly as possible, but within 21 days at the latest. Work can begin as soon as the City has given its consent for the work to begin. However, if the City has not processed the notification within 21 days, work may begin.

Applying for a Street Permit
Site and street work permits (excavation permits or temporary site leases or putting up a fence) are applied for through the Rauma eServices (choose Public Area).
General Regulations
- Before starting the work, contact the street inspector. For more information and instructions, contact the street inspector.
- The person responsible for the work must ensure that there is a notice board on the site showing the person carrying out the work and the contact details of the person responsible for the work.
- The person responsible for the work is responsible for ensuring that the street is equipped with road signs in accordance with the regulations and that traffic safety and traffic flow on the street are maintained despite the work to be carried out. Particular care must be taken to ensure safe and unobstructed access for public transport, pedestrians and cyclists. If traffic has to be cut off, the emergency services must also be informed of the work.
- No excavated earth, construction materials or rubbish may be stored in public areas outside the site area.
- The site must be kept clean during the work and restored to the condition prior to the work.
- If the construction site prevents mechanical winter maintenance and cleaning, the contractor shall ensure the winter maintenance and cleaning of the carriageway, pavement, light traffic route and any detour road adjacent to the work area.
Regulations Relating to Excavation Work
- Wires and equipment running in the excavation area must be located before the notification is made.
- The work area must be photographed by the permit applicant before excavation work begins. The photographs shall show, inter alia, the condition of the asphalt surface, paving, kerbs and green areas prior to excavation. The applicant shall submit the photographs as an attachment to the notice of commencement of excavation.
- In the street area, excavation must be limited to the smallest possible area in order to minimise traffic disruption.
- The excavation must be protected by fences, lights and traffic signs as specified. The person responsible for the work is responsible for ensuring that the excavation is protected at all times, including outside working hours. Flagging and taping may only be used for optical traffic control, not for trench protection. All protection devices between light traffic and the trench must be resistant to leaning.
- The contractor must ensure that the location of new and relocated lines is surveyed before covering the trench.
- The construction layers will be built according to the approved street design plans. The total thickness of the construction layers will always be in accordance with the previous structure. The backfilling of the excavation shall be carried out without mixing the structural layers of the street. The excavation shall be filled and compacted in accordance with the General Specification for Public Works KT 02.
- Trees and shrubs around the excavation must be protected.
- The guarantee period is two years. The guarantee period starts when the work is approved by the street inspector. If the work involves landscaping, the guarantee period for vegetation is two full growing seasons.
Documents to be Followed in the Work (in Finnish)
- Rauman kaupungin laatima Katujen ja muiden yleisten alueiden työlupaohjeet ja -ehdot (pdf)
- Asfalttiurakan asiakirjat 2023, PANK ry
- Asfalttinormit 2023
- Kunnallisteknisten töiden yleinen työselostus 02. Suomen kuntaliiton ohjeita
- Infrarakentamisen yleiset laatuvaatimukset, InfraRYL
- Kaapelikaivantotyöt, yleinen työselostus 1999, Suomen kuntaliiton ohjeita
- Tilapäiset liikennejärjestelyt katu- ja yleisillä alueilla. Suomen kuntatekniikan yhdistys, julkaisu 1/2013
- Rakennusurakan yleiset sopimusehdot YSE 1998
- Viherrakentamisen yleinen työselostus VRT’17 2017, Viherympäristöliitto
- Rauman kaupungin rakennusjärjestys
The City’s code and the publications referenced therein constitute the minimum requirements for street work, which shall be followed unless more stringent requirements are specified in the drawings, work specifications or other construction documents prepared for the work.
Short Summary of the Street Permit Guide
Summary of guidelines and conditions for work permits for streets and public areas.
Street Work Permit Guide (pdf, in Finnish)
Street Permit Fees
Charges for work on streets and other public areas in the City of Rauma from 1.6.2024.
Charges for Streets and Public Areas (pdf, in Finnish)
Map of Fee Categories (pdf, in Finnish)