Street Maintenance
Information about street maintenance and how to report street lighting faults.

Street Maintenance
What Does Street Maintenance Involve?
Street maintenance in summer includes repairing or resurfacing a broken pavement, keeping a gravel pavement smooth and binding dust.
Street maintenance in winter includes measures such as removing snow and ice, keeping the street surface level, preventing slippage, removing aggregate used to prevent slippage, and keeping street ditches, rain gutters and drains open.
Street maintenance includes the maintenance of street furniture, curbs, guard rails, traffic signs and other similar equipment in the street area.
Maintenance by Street Classification
Street maintenance is carried out according to the classification of streets. Street classes are determined by the purpose of the street and the amount of traffic. Streets are classified into main streets, residential streets and residential streets.
Main streets, light traffic routes and pavements are assigned to street class 1, residential streets to street class 2 and residential streets to street class 3. Public transport streets are assigned to street classes 1 and 2.
In winter, snow is ploughed according to this classification. Main streets and light traffic routes and pavements are ploughed first. Residential streets come next.
Residential streets may be delayed when snowfall is heavy and the main streets and footpaths have to be cleared continuously.
The same criteria apply to de-icing. Main roads, light traffic routes and pavements are treated first, followed by residential streets. Rock chippings with a grain size of 3 to 6 mm are used for de-icing.
Maintenance Response Counterparts
Responsibility for street maintenance is shared between the city and landowners. This division is based on the law on the maintenance and cleaning of streets and certain public areas.
The city is responsible for clearing the roads. Landowners are responsible for clearing and sanding pavements in front of their plots and for transporting snow to snow collection points. Trailers, trailers, etc. must be kept on the property and not along the street. On the street, they narrow the roadway and hinder snow plowing operations. In addition, all other goods that interfere with winter maintenance should be moved from the street to the property.

Have You Noticed Any Problems With Street Maintenance?
Street Lighting Fault Report
The maintenance of street lighting in the City of Rauma is covered by an agreement with a maintenance company.
Regular maintenance rounds of the street lighting network are carried out 2-3 times during the lighting season.
Individual broken lamps are serviced during the maintenance cycle. Larger faults and multiple lamp failure areas are also repaired between maintenance rounds.
You can report street lighting faults directly to our maintenance company:
Other feedback and suggestions related to street lighting can be given through Rauma’s e-feedback service.