Emergency information points
The City of Rauma provides information about its services and measures at information boards and information points around Rauma when other means of communication are not available, for example, due to a major power failure.
The information points and information boards in the villages are mainly run by village committees. The information points and information boards in the city centre are run by the city.
It is advisable to check the location of the information points and information boards in advance.

Area 0, city center
Info point
Service Point Pyyrman
Information boards
- Pohjoiskehä school
- Kortela ABC service station
Area 1, Sorkka
Info points
- Sorkka village house
- Tiilivuoren tupa, Tiilivuori house
Information boards
- Sorkka village house
- Sorkka barn
- Opposite Tiilivuori village house
- Kaaro school
- Crossroad of Sokertopantie and Haapasaarentie
Area 2, Uotila
Information boards
K-Market Uotila/wall of the pharmacy
Blue school wall
Area 3, Kortela, Monna, Unaja, Anttila, Voiluoto, Vermuntila, Kulamaa
Unaja congregation house
Anttila-Voiluoto village house
Noitajärvi lake sauna cabin
Information boards
- Tenhonperä beach sauna
- Crossroads of Santperänantie and Tenhonantie
- Junction of Unajantien and Pyhärannantien
- Junction of Unajantien and Lätäköntien
- Start of Varelantie
- Löytyntie
- Metomaantie
- Edge of the Tapiola parking lot
- Yard of the Anttila-Voiluoto village hall
- Noitajärvi sauna
- Laurikkalantien and
- Vermuntilantie intersection
- Crossing of Pekomäientie and Vermuntilantie
- Crossing of Holpintie and Vermuntilantie
- junction of highway 8 and Kulamaantien
- junction of Taantumuksentie and Helkkiläntie
- branch of Anttilantie
- start of Perolantie
- start of Hanhistentie
Area 4, Vasarainen, Soukainen, Kodisjoki, Kolla, Nihattula, Tarvola
Kodisjoki grocery store wall
Information boards
- Parking space at Lukula in Vasarainen
- Doors of the Vasarainen school gym
Area 5, Northwest Lappi
Information boards
- Kodiksamintie and Hinnerjoentie intersection (bus stop)
- Crossroads of Kullanperäntien and Kaentie
- Crossing of Murtamontie and Kullanperäntien (bus stop)
- Crossroads of Kentie and Murtamontien
- Junction of Sahamäien and Kivisillantie
- Junction of Kauklaistenien and Kodisjoentien (bus stop)
Area 6, Southeast Lappi
- Kodiksami school
- Kauklainen village hall
Information boards
- Kodiksami school yard
- Rantatie and Korventie junction
- On Hinnerjoentie after Jokelantanhua road
- Junction of Ruonantie and Anninkulmantie
- Junction of Ruonantie and Uudentalontie