For Applicant
Looking for a rental apartment in Rauma? Do you want to find a permanent home for yourself or your family, or perhaps a student apartment near schools? Take a look at our apartments and fill in an application and we will contact you if we can offer you an apartment.

Filling out the Application
To rent an apartment in a house hosted by the City of Rauma, you must fill in an application form. By completing it carefully, you ensure that we understand your housing needs and situation in the best possible way.
The application is valid for three months at a time and can be updated by phone, email or by visiting our office. If your situation has changed substantially since your last application, please complete a new application. The new application will always cancel the previous one and only the last application you completed will be valid.
Please also fill in the application form if you want to move from one of our hosted apartments to another. In your application, you can explain why your current apartment no longer meets your needs. Please note that you can only apply for a change after you have lived in your current accommodation for at least one year.
Apartments for Students and Under the Age of 29
Student apartments are available for rent at Kanavakatu 45 (Pläkkluat dormitory) and Suojantie 2 F (Merimäki dormitory). The dormitories are located in the near of several educational institutions. The student dormitories are intended for student accommodation. All student housing leases include electricity, water and internet. Cell rooms are rented furnished and come with a bed, desk, work chair and wardrobe. The apartment, where the student rents a cell room, has a communal kitchen and bathroom. Tenants together are responsible for cleaning the kitchen and bathroom. Genders are not taken into account when renting cell rooms, if you have an obstacle to living in the same apartment with a person of another gender, we recommend applying for a studio apartment. The contract is secured with a deposit of €600. The apartments are constantly in demand and there is a turnover of tenants throughout the year. In student dormitories, the terms of the contract include a residence period of at least six months.
Fill the housing application and add in the free text field (last page) where you are applying and are you primarily applying for a studio or cell room. If other than student apartment option, please remember to indicate it in the application as well. Please note that if the applicant is a minor, the guardian signs the lease and is responsible for the obligations of the lease until the applicant reaches the age of 18. For more information on student housing, please contact Maria Silver, office secretary, tel. +358 44 403 6095.
The terraced house for young people under 29 years of age at Soputie 19 is located in Uotila near the Uotila Frisbee golf course.
Rental Apartments for the Elderly
Affordable rental apartments for the elderly are available for rent through the City of Rauma’s rental management office. The apartments are located in the idyllic courtyards of Old Rauma and in the Sinisaari apartment buildings on Sahanpolku 1 and Siikapolku 3. The apartments and access are designed to meet the needs of elderly people. Terraced apartments are available in Uotila’s Siilotie and Kortela’s Lehtimäentie.
The housing for the elderly provided by the City of Rauma also includes the Linnavuori terraced houses (Lapin Vanhainkotiyhdistys ry), Sahamäentie 2, 27230 Lappi. You can ask more information: Oiva isännöinti Rauma, Nortamonkatu 18, 26100 Rauma, Iisak Pertola, tel. 046 922 7276 or
Selection Criteria
A large part of the apartments we manage are Varke apartments (formerly Ara) supported by the Valtion tukeman asuntorakentamisen keskus. This means that the state has supported the construction of the house to make rents cheaper than the private market. The selection of residents must comply with the resident selection criteria established by the state, so the applicant’s income, wealth and need for housing affect access to housing, and residents are chosen in order of priority.
Income limits will be introduced in the selection of residents for Varke rental apartments as of 1.1.2025. Other rental properties are not affected by income limits.
Income limits determined by Varke as of 1.1.2025
The monthly income of a one-person household may not exceed 3540 e.
If the household includes more than one person aged 18 or over, the income limit will be raised by 2480 e for each such person.
If the household includes children under the age of 18, the income limit will be raised by 650 e for the first child and by 600 e for each subsequent child. The age is calculated according to the end of the calendar year in which the applicant is applied for.
More detailed information on resident selection and related criteria can be found in the resident selection guide published by Varke at
Credit Information
We check the credit information of applicants when processing the application. Credit failures do not directly prevent access to a rental home, but if credit failures are a result of rental debts, it can affect access to housing. Lease debt to real estate hosted by our office is an obstacle to a housing offer.
Apartment Offer
If we have an apartment to offer, we will send a written housing offer either by email or mail. The offer period is normally about a week, during which it is usually possible to see the apartment. If you have received a housing offer, you can ask our office about a possible housing display. Please respond to the offer even if the apartment is not accepted. If the offer is not answered, your application will be deleted. One offer is valid at a time, so a new offer will automatically void previous offers.
The lease is made either for a fixed term or for an indefinite period. The lease, which is valid for the time being, only expires when either the tenant or the landlord terminates it.
Before signing the lease, all adult applicants must provide, upon request, the attachments to the housing application, such as income certificates and tax decisions.
All leases come with a contract security deposit. The contract security deposit must be paid before signing the lease and it will be refunded at the end of the tenancy if the apartment is in good condition and carefully cleaned and the landlord has no other claims. The contract security deposit is not only for rent receivables, it can be used for all contractual obligations, such as the cost of repairing the apartment (excluding normal wear and tear).
Both the City of Rauma and the rental housing companies we represent accept the payment commitment of security deposit issued by Kela.
Contract security deposit: studio/two room 600–800 euros, three room/four room 1000 euros.