Building Supervision

It is advisable to contact the building supervision well in advance before applying for a building permit.
Careful planning ensures the desired outcome, so by working together with a qualified designer and the building supervision , you can make sure your project progresses in the right direction.
- You can submit a permit application, order drawings, plans, and maps through the online service.
- Inspection and consultation appointments can be booked with a technical expert, renovation advisor, or directly with an inspector.
- Inspectors are most reliably available on weekdays from 10 AM to 12 PM.
- The building control department’s on-call number, +358 44 403 6104, is available on weekdays from 8 AM to 4 PM.
The Building Supervision pages are currently being updated. If you cannot find the information you are looking for, please contact us tel. +358 44 403 6104.

Applying for a permit
Construction forms and instructions