Construction Projects

Uotila Wooden School
The complex houses grades 1-6 and six early childhood education groups, which include preschool and after-school activities. It also includes a sports hall and a self-service library. The new school and day-care complex will be operational in summer 2025.

Nanunkallio School
The Nanunkallio Primary School comprises grades 1-6, preparatory and special needs education, pre-school and Afternoon Activities Club. Construction is due to start in 2025.
Karin Kampus
Karin kampus is a center for sports, leisure and schooling. The complex includes a swimming hall, Hj. Nortamo primary school, music academy, sports hall, youth space, adult education center and the included art and theater schools.

Canal Maintenance
Over the years, the Rauma Canal has become severely eutrophic. At the same time, the amount of water in the canal has decreased, which has created challenges for mechanical mowing. To improve the situation, the canal will be deepened by dredging in the first phase. The canal will be dredged in two parts during 2024 and 2025.