Water gymnastics
Rauma’s swimming pool organizes the city’s own low-threshold water jumps, for which only the swimming pool fee is paid. In addition, WesiWoikka organizes paid water jumps.

The city’s sports services offer light water gymnastics open to everyone, for which only the pool fee is paid. Wesiwoikka organizes aqua gymnastics and running in the swimming hall during the fall and spring seasons, in addition to the swimming hall fee, there is a 3e guidance fee. A €4 guidance fee is charged for morning jumps between 6:15 and 7:00.
The city’s lighter water gymnastics in the swimming hall
Monday | 13.00-13.30 | Lighter water gymnastics |
Wednesday | 13.15-13.45 | Lighter water gymnastics |
Friday | 13.00-13.30 | Lighter water gymnastics |