Martial arts dojo
The City of Rauma has four facilities where martial arts can be practiced.
Kampus gym
Gym is located on the upper floor of the Kari campus. The area is 120 m2 in size.
Pyynpää gym
Gym is located on the ground floor of Pyynpää School. The area is about 100 m2 in size and quite low.
Sampaanala gym
Gym is located in the yard of the Sampaanala daycare centre. The tatami area is about 100 m2 in size.
Uimahalli gym
Gym is located on the ground floor of the swimming hall, the entrance is through the main entrance. The cashier provides a key and an access bracelet for passing through the gate.
Kourujärvi wrestling hall
The wrestling hall is located in the air raid shelter behind the Bergström pond.