Sports Club Parliament
Established in 2010
The aim is to increase cooperation both between clubs and between clubs and the city.
A body of experts with no decision-making power in the city organisation.
No meeting fees are paid.

- Bringing the citizen’s perspective into decision-making
- Strengthening the role of club activities
- Increasing physical activity in the municipality
- Focusing resources on common objectives
- Emphasising the importance of physical activity as a factor of well-being
- Separately Parliament (= government) and Forum (= annual meeting)
- Parliament is made up of 8-9 member associations
- The clubs themselves choose their representatives and their alternates
- About six meetings a year + other cooperation
- Forum once a year, selects new member clubs
- Chairman, Secretary
The Parliament is composed of nine (9) member clubs at a time.
Vuoden 2024 jäsenseurat
Puheenjohtajana toimii Janne Koivisto ja sihteerinä Kimmo Kouru
Valiokunnan edustajana toimivat Marja-Leena Alho ja Sauli Ahvenjärvi
Rauman Naisvoimistelijat ry
Rauman Lukko ry
Rauman Voimailijat ry
Rauma Basket ry
Rauman Taitoluistelijat ry
FC Rauma ry
Fera ry
Rauman Salba ry
Fudoshin Rauma ry
Nuorisovaltuuston jäsen
Kouru Kimmo
Sports Coordinator
Tel. +358 40 180 9785