The cosplay, manga, and anime event Mericon will be held again at the Rauma Main Library on August 2, 2025.

Register for the cosplay competition!
A maximum of 10 participants can join. Contestants will be selected in the order of registration.

Instructions for Event Attendees
Mericon is an open, free, and substance-free event for everyone.
Please review the event rules and ensure, if necessary, that your character’s costume or any part of it is appropriate for the event.
Let’s be mindful of each other and have an amazing experience together!

Follow the event on social media!
Up-to-date information about the Mericon event can also be found on the Instagram @mericonrauma.
Mericon was first held in Rauma in 2023. It is a local cosplay, manga, and anime event organized in collaboration between the Rauma Library and volunteers.