Group visits and booktalk
Library presentations, school visits, booktalk etc. for all ages.

At a book talk, library staff present books briefly and in as interesting a way as possible, so that the listener is inspired to finish the book.
The aim of the booktalk is to encourage and entice children, young people and adults alike to read and to find their own interesting reading material. Booktalks are open to different groups and classes and usually last between 30 and 60 minutes. The booktalk can be designed according to the needs and interests of each group.
Groups can book their own time. Please contact the library preferably at least two weeks before the planned visit. Please inform the number of pupils, the duration of the visit, the type of books they are interested in and any other special requests.
The Main Library organises storytime sessions (i.e. reading of fairy tales etc.) in Finnish at specially arranged times, for example for kindergarten groups. Please contact the library preferably about two weeks before the desired date and inform the number of people coming, the time available and any requests you may have, for example for specific fairy tales to be read.
LULU project
The materials developed during the LULU project are freely available on the LULU website. You can also download the kamishibai theatre story of the Lulu Lukutoukka
Youth and adult groups in the Main Library
For youth and adult group visits in the Main Library, please contact the Adults’ Department.
Kindergartens, preschools and primary schools
Main Library Children’s and Youth Department
tel. +358 40 172 6134
Secondary schools and adult groups
Main Library Adults’ Department
tel. +358 44 793 4531
Branch libraries
Kourujärvi Library
Lappi Library
Pyynpää Library