Resources in the library


Rauma’s libraries have over 140,000 books in their collections.
One of the special emphasis of the Main Library’s collection is literature related to lace-making and lace-making manuals, which are kept in their designated lace-making shelf.

CD audiobooks are available, as well as a limited collection of cassette audiobooks.
E-audiobooks are available on the E-Library app.
Patrons with reading disabilities can loan Celia audiobooks from the library and can sign up for the Celia audiobook service. More information:
Newspapers and magazines

Newspapers and magazines can be read in and borrowed from the Newspaper and Magazine Room. The loan period is two weeks, but latest issues cannot be loaned.
Magazines available in E-library 2025
Newspapers can be read in digital format on the library’s computers and using the library’s wifi.

Music is available on CD, DVD, Blu-Ray and sheet music.
The Main Library also has a suitcase record player and a limited LP collection. The record player can also be used to digitize LPs.
There is an electric piano in the 2nd floor of the Main Library, which can be played with headphones. There is also an electric piano in the Kourujärvi Library.

Films and series are available on DVD and Blu-ray for adults, young people and children.
Documentaries are on the non-fiction shelves, categorised by subject.
You can watch films on the Cineast online service. To log in, you need your library card number and PIN code.

You can loan board games and console games for different consoles and players of all ages.
Sports equipment

Sports equipment can be loaned from the Main Library and Lappi Library. The loan period is 14 days. It is not possible to renew the loan or reserve equipment.
Season tickets for home games of various sports teams are seasonally available in the Main Library.
Microfilms and microcards

In the microfilm reading room in the 2nd floor of the Main Library you can read microfilms and microcards:
- Church and parish records of Rauma and Rauma area
- Länsi-Suomi (see also digitized volumes of Länsi-Suomi from years 1877–1879 and 1905–1939 at the National Library’s website)
- Pohjanlahti
- Rauman lehti
- Rauman sanomat
- Microfilms of the general inventory of Finnish settlements and the Finnish Genealogical Society’s reproductions of historical documents
Acquisition catalogs
Rauma Collection
The Rauma Collection, housed in a separate Rauma Room in the Main Library, contains a wide range of literature and other material on Rauma and Rauma-related topics.