
In front of the northern entrance to the Karin kampus will be a multi-piece work called Lähellä by sculptor Anne Meskanen-Barman.

Indoor Spaces

The large indoor installations were commissioned from three artists from Rauma. Pia Salo’s large painting will be placed at the south entrance, Paavo Paunu’s work on the wall of the lobby and Jaakko Niemelä’s copper work in the music halls’ foyer.

Public Spaces

Hj. Nortamo Secondary School, Rauma Music Institute, the sports hall and the swimming hall have been decorated with works by Markku Arantila, Mari Aspola, Venla Ekebom, Kati Immonen, Jaakko Himanen, Kerttu Horila, Maria Leppänen, Nina Mantsinen, Eila Minkkinen, Jarmo Mäkilä, Mika Natri, Sinikka Palonen, Katri Paunu, ROP Group, Emma Rönnholm, Antti Tanttu, Nora Tapper, Niko Tiainen, Rose-Mari Torpo, Päivi Setälä and Tiina Vainio.

Swimming Hall

Two works will be moved from the current swimming hall to the new one. Eila Minkkinen’s Veden elämää and Kerttu Horila’s Sulottaret will find their place on the new premises.

Other Individual Works

The Campus Art Task Force paid particular attention to selecting works by resident artists and ensuring that the work of these great artists is visible to the everyday users of the space. Smaller individual works, for example for offices, were acquired from Kirsi Backman, Mika Honkanen, Risto Keinonen, Lasse Kempas, Kirsi Kuusisto, Hulda Leifsdottir, Esa Luukko, Katariina Mannio, Meri Pauniaho, Pentti Peura, Tommi-Wihtori Roström, Sanna Saarinen, Teuvo Salminen, Tarmo Thorström and Anu Sukanen.

Two sound works were also acquired for the Karin kampus, one by Heikki Vastiala and the other by Raimo Luttinen.