Tuition fees are valid from 1.8.2024 (VAT 0 %)

Pupil place fees for basic education in the arts at the Music Institute
Basic music education, basic studies210 €
Basic music education, advanced studies210 €
Second instrument 30 min.175 €
Optional extension of lessons 15 min.150 €
Open education
Pupil place fee 30 min.425 €
Pupil place fee 45 min.600 €
Early music education
Music playschool 30 min.75 €
Music playschool 45 min.95 €
Preparatory instrument instruction 45 min.125 €
Kantele lessons 45 min.135 €
Kantele lessons 60 min.165 €
Preparatory group tuition145 €
Fees for outside persons
Music perception80 €
Choirs, orchestras, music groups55 €
Performance fee:
Basic studies, study modules 1 and 2
95 €
Performance fee:
Basic studies, study modules 3 and 4
135 €
Performance fee:
Advanced studies, study modules 5 and 6
175 €
Sibling discounts (pupil place fees for siblings)185 €
Sibling discounts are only granted to siblings in instrument study programmes, not to those in the open education or in early music education. The fee for siblings in instrument study programmes living in the same household is €185 (1st child €210, 2nd child €185, 3rd child €185, etc.). There is no need to apply for a sibling discount.
Tuition discounts
Tuition discounts are applied for on a separate form for each semester, by the end of August and January. Discounts are not granted for group courses (e.g. music playschools, preparatory instrument instruction) or for open education. For more information, please contact the Music Institute office.
Other fees
Instrument rental55 €
If there is no free instrument available and the institute has to rent an instrument from outside, the student (guardian) renting the instrument will be charged the full amount of the rent charged by the third-party instrument rental company.
Material fee15 €
Enrolment fee15 €
New students, does not apply to outside persons.
Cancellation fee
If a student has accepted a place and started their studies at the institute, but drops out during August, 25% of the tuition fee will be charged. If the cancellation takes place after 31 August, the full amount of the tuition fee will be charged. Students who interrupt their studies because of long-term illness (medical certificate) or because they have moved may, on request, receive a reduction in the tuition fee.
Ending studies
You must always notify the Music Institute office in writing of the termination of your studies at the Rauma Music Institute. See cancellation fee.
Certificates ordered20 €
Does not apply to graduation certificates and transcripts.

The tuition fees have been approved by the Education Committee at its meeting on 24.4.2024 (§ 50).

Billing is based on the City of Rauma Billing Guidelines, which are in force and are applicable from 1.1.2011. The instructions include, among other things, instructions on deferment of payment and refund of overpayments.

By decision of the Rauma City Board (23.1.2017), the collection of invoices has been transferred to a collection agency as of 1.10.2017. All unpaid invoices will be transferred to the collection agency Revire Perintä Oy, and the customer must handle payment issues with them after the due date. Any questions regarding the content of the invoices should be directed to the Music Institute before the due date.

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Rauma Music Institute

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