Become a Student at the Music Institue

The Rauma Music Institute, founded in 1970, is an educational institution run by the City of Rauma, primarily for children and young people in basic arts education. It offers opportunities for long-term study and practice of music, and students can apply with a low threshold. No previous experience is required to start; just a personal interest and enthusiasm for music is enough.
At Rauma Music Institute, you can apply to study basic education in arts through the student selection process. The selection process for the following autumn semester takes place in the spring. Students can also be referred to preparatory group tuition, where lessons can be organised in small groups.
The Music Institute has around 700 students and around 40 teachers teaching almost all instruments.
The extended syllabus in basic education in the arts consists of basic studies and advanced studies. In addition to instrumental or vocal studies, it includes the music perception and ensemble playing. The music perception studies, MuPe, are studied in groups, often starting around the age of 9 or 10. In terms of ensemble playing, the Music School has wind and string orchestras, choirs, bands and other ensembles. The tuition fee includes the study of music perception as well as ensemble playing.
You can participate in the choirs, kantele groups and music perception study groups of the Music Institute without taking part in the student selection process. For children under school age, the Music Institute offers early music education, i.e. music playschools and preparatory instrument instruction.
To apply to the Music Institute, please apply through Eepos.