Kuninkaankatu 37, tel. 02 822 4346

Kauppakatu 24, tel. 044 567 9183

KIRSTI (open 2.5.-31.8.)
Pohjankatu 3, tel. 044 793 3529

Kauppakatu 13, tel. 044 793 3532
Closed for restoration from 1.3.2024. The site will reopen in 2026.

Heidi Piiroinen: In Case Of Loss / sitten haluaisin laulaa

Rauma Art Museum 12.10.2024 –16.2.2025

Photographer and visual artist Heidi Piiroinen (b. 1978 Tampere) builds a monumental installation In Case Of Loss / sitten haluaisin laulaa combining experimental film, poetry and soundscape. Piiroinen’s work explores the anger felt by women, and examines a silenced subject that is socially perceived as frictional, difficult and shameful. The work will be premiered at Rauma Art Museum. It is produced in collaboration with PALO Art Productions. Other collaborators include Maria Academy and MLL Turvaverkko.

Permanent exhibition of Rauma Art Collections

Rauma Art Museum

At the end of 2024, a permanent exhibition of Rauma art will open on the entire upper floor of Pinnala. The exhibition will feature gems from the City of Rauma’s art collections, such as Eino Valtonen’s collection, but also changing collections from Rauma and Rauma-related artists from different decades. The special history of Pinnala as a home for artists will also be highlighted, as well as the tradition of artists’ associations in Rauma.

Old Town Hall

Old Town Hall 2026

The Old Town Hall will be closed to the public from 1.3.2024 due to a restoration project. The site will reopen in 2026.

The Old Town Hall is the home of exhibitions and a museum shop Kirstupuad. The Town Hall was completed in 1776. The police station was located on the ground floor and the city administration on the upper floor. The museum has been housed in the Old Town Hall since 1902. There are two town halls from the 17th century in Finland, one in Rauma and one in Porvoo, which have been preserved in their original state.