Kuninkaankatu 37, tel. 02 822 4346

Kauppakatu 24, tel. 044 567 9183

KIRSTI (open 2.5.-31.8.)
Pohjankatu 3, tel. 044 793 3529

Kauppakatu 13, tel. 044 793 3532
Closed for restoration from 1.3.2024. The site will reopen in 2026.

Jarmo Mäkilä: A Boy

Rauma Art Museum 8.6. – 22.9.2024

Rauma-born Jarmo Mäkilä (b. 1952) returns to his childhood memories in his celebratory solo exhibition at Rauma Art Museum. Strong memories of Rauma’s suburbs, boys’ games and many poignant events in the town of his birth have long been recorded in the artist’s canvases and installations and will now be presented for the first time where they were experienced. The exhibition celebrates Mäkilä’s 50-year career as an artist and will be accompanied by a book in which he has written his memories through the eyes of a boy he once was.

THREADS FROM THE SEA – Venetian lace and Contemporary art

Rauma Art Museum 29.6.2024 –

Venetian lace will take over the upper floor of the Rauma Art Museum in the summer of 2024, when the Rauma Museum brings the international lace exhibition “Threads from the Sea – Venice Lace and Contemporary Art” as part of the Pinnala exhibition summer. The exhibition will feature lace on loan from the Fondazione Musei Civici Venezia (MUVE, the Venice City Museum Foundation), part of the collection of the Museo del Merletto di Burano, a lace museum on the island of Burano. The oldest lace dates back to the 16th century.

The patterns and design of the lace are inspired by the many different shapes of the sea and marine life. The exhibition also brings lace into dialogue with art by featuring two contemporary Finnish artists, Anna Niskanen, a visual artist, and Niko Tiainen, a media artist.


Marela from 28.4.2023

The exhibition on wedding traditions will be on display at the Marela from 28.4.2023. The exhibition presents local wedding memories, treasures from the museum’s collections and West Finnish wedding traditions from the 19th century to the 1990s. Weddings have been celebrated for centuries and a surprising number of traditions have been passed down through the centuries, changing only slightly along the way. On the other hand, many things have also changed, from the colour of the wedding dress to the most popular time for weddings.


Marela from 13.5.2022

Marela, the home museum of a shipowner, has been open as a museum for 40 years 17.4.2022. The anniversary exhibition tells the story of the Marela building, the people who lived there and the 40 years of museum activities.

EMBROIDERY AND THE FEELING OF HOME – Biedermeiersalon in the style of Rauma


Permanent exhibition at the Marela features Biedermeier-style interiors. The exhibition also presents popular crafts of the era, including embroidery.


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