Rauma Museum online
Rauma Museum serves visitors digitally.

Guidance videos
Rauma Museum has produced guided videos of its sites, which you can watch and listen to. The videos are spoken in Finnish and subtitled in either Finnish or English. The videos can be viewed by clicking on the icons below or by visiting the City of Rauma’s Youtube channel.

Sailor’s home Kirsti
The Old Town Hall of Rauma
Videos translated in english
Shipowner’s home Marela

Museum collections in Finna
Part of the collections of the Rauma Museum are published in the Finna.fi search service maintained by the National Library of Finland. The Finna.fi site is the place to find objects and photographs from the museum’s collections. New material is added to Finna every year.
Mobile guides
Rauma Museum has a mobile guide service, through which you can explore the online exhibitions, museum objects and the history of Rauma and the Rauma region. The mobile guides can be found at tarinasoitin.fi/raumanmuseo.